Welcome to the Great Lakes Paintball 2024 Season!
We open @ 9:00am & games start @ 10:00am
We will be closing at 3:00 pm
Open play Sundays are twice a month,(See Schedule) and ANYONE can come out to play! No reservation is required. We have players of all ages and skill levels having fun every open play day!
New prices for this season!
Rental Markers:
EMEK Rental $35 includes field fee & all day air.
Ultimate Electronic Rental $45 includes field fee & all day air.
If you own your own Equipment:
Recreational Level Paint (Defy) $60 (includes field fee) all day air $5
Mid-Grade Paint (Defy) $65 (includes field fee)all day air $5 Tournament Level Paint (Defy) $70 (includes field fee) all day air $5
CASH PREFFERED - Credit charges 3% transaction fee.
OPEN PLAY DATES 2024 (all Sundays unless noted):
CALL OR TEXT - 419-271-5986
2024 ​
(Officially open) April - 14th & 28th
May - (11th Saturday under the lights 6pm - ???)
May 26th
June - 9th and 23rd
July - 7th, 20th 6:00pm till 12:00am
August - 4th and 18th
September - 1st & 29th
September 14th NIGHT GAMES 6p-12a
October - 12th NIGHT GAMES 6p-12a
October 27th
November - 10th and 24th
December - T.B.A.
Additional dates pending weather!